The Role of Sponsorship Regulation in Non-commercial Broadcasting

Sweet and Maxwell
Publication Type:
Journal Article
Entertainment Law Review, 2004, 15 (2), pp. 33 - 41
Issue Date:
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Programme sponsorship is V!ell known as a form of revenue-raising for broadcasters. Whilstseen as a form of advertising, it is aiso generally regarded as distinct from advertising. This distinction was described in the Report of the Peacock Committee which investigated financing of the BBC: "Sponsorship is a form of advertising limited to a'statement in a particular programme that it is being financed by a particular organisation. The form of that statement would normally exclude an-intrusive "commercial" of a "spot" character". Advertising is usually viewed as something "... which is designed or calculated to draw public attention to a product or to promote its use ... ".2 Thus, sponsorship through the identification of the sponsor and, possibly, products or services, has the potential, even if limited, for promotion, but at the same time, it will usually lack the vivid impact associated with spot advertising.
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