Applications of the direct space vector modulation controlled matrix converter as the unified power flow controller

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
IET Conference Publications, 2016, 2016 (CP684)
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© 2016, Institution of Engineering and Technology. All rights reserved. This paper investigates the matrix converter when working as the unified power flow controller which can regulate the active reactive power flowing in a transmission line. A conventional unified power flow controller usually has a DC capacitor; this is removed in the proposed controller. This reduces the volume, improves the efficiency and lifetime, and eliminates the DC voltage control. The detailed direct space vector modulation method for the matrix converter is described. Based on this modulation scheme, a PID controller is designed in order to control the power flow. Coupling effects are suppressed by feedback of the coupling components to the controller. The proposed strategy can control the active and reactive power efficiently and effectively. Simulations based on MATLAB/Simulink help verify the feasibility and effectiveness of the scheme.
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