Peeking under the covers: On-line academic staff development in Australia and the United Kingdom

Publication Type:
Journal Article
International Journal for Academic Development, 2003, 8 (1/2), pp. 135 - 143
Issue Date:
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This paper describes a study of how academic development units use on-line technologies for academic staff development. Changes in technology and in the academic workplace are making it increasingly possible to use on-line learning opportunities for professional development, and on-line learning environments might thus be expected to provide opportunities for university teachers to reflect on their teaching practice and share these insights and experience with colleagues within and across disciplines. The study reported here reviewed 31 web sites in Australia and the UK to determine what range of aims of academic staff development where being met in their implementation of on-line learning. The paper concludes that in most contexts the World Wide Web was considered useful for the administrative rather than the educational needs of academic staff.
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