A new mixing technique for solidifier and dredged fill in coastal area

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Marine Georesources and Geotechnology, 2017, 35 (1), pp. 52 - 61
Issue Date:
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A new mixing technique for solidifier and dredged fill in coastal area.pdfPublished Version1.66 MB
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© 2017, Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. One of the major drawbacks of the conventional method of land reclamation, which involves mixing cement with the dredged soils at the disposal site, is the high cost associated with its manufacturing and transportation. In this study, a new solidified dredged fill (SDF) technique and a new additive are proposed and their practical applications are discussed. Unlike the conventional approach, the dredged marine soils were mixed with the solidifiers using a newly designed mixing technique prior to its transport to site, which would significantly reduce the cost of site machinery and effectively reclaim land with adequate engineering properties necessary for the construction of infrastructure. To evaluate the performance of the reclaimed land using the proposed technique, a series of laboratory and field tests (namely, static and dynamic cone penetration tests, and plate load tests) were conducted on grounds filled with and without solidified dredged marine soils, respectively. The results showed that the engineering behavior of the reclaimed land with dredged marine soils using SDF technique had significantly improved. The SDF technique combined with the newly designed mixing system improved the performance of ground and has thus proved to be both cost-effective and safe.
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