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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
-Conceptualising domestic servitude as a violation of the human right to housing and reframing Australian policy responsesHohmann, J
2005‘Dictating to One of ‘Us’: The Migration of Mrs. Freer’Hohmann, J
2021-04-13Diffuse subjects and dispersed power: New materialist insights and cautionary lessons for international lawHohmann, J
2019-09-13The Elements of Adequate Housing: Grenfell as ViolationHohmann, J
2009‘Igloo as Icon: A Human Rights Approach to Climate Change for the Inuit?’Hohmann, J
2023-11-21Indigenous Housing Rights and Colonial Sovereignty: Self-Determination and Housing Rights beyond a White Possessive FrameHohmann, J; Anthony, T
2018‘Indigenous Rights to Development, Socio-Economic Rights, and Rights for Groups with Vulnerabilities: Articles 20–22, 24, and 44’Hohmann, J; Perez-Bustillo, C; Hohmann, J; Weller, M
2019-02-07IntroductionHohmann, J
2021IntroductionHohmann, J; Goldblatt, B
2021-11-18Introduction: Situating the Right to Continuous Improvement of Living Conditions and Considering its Interpretations and ApplicationsHohmann, J; Goldblatt, B; Hohmann, J; Goldblatt, B
2019-09-05‘Kell v Canada: Revaluating the CEDAW Decision in a Feminist Light’Buckner Inniss, L; Hohmann, J; Tramontana, E; Hodson, L; Lavers, T
2019-07-01Material pasts and futures: International law's objectsHohmann, J; Joyce, D
2022-03-09Mercy Foundation Contribution to the List of Issues Prior to Reporting Australia 6th Reporting Cycle to the UN Committee on Economic Social and Cultural Rights, 70th Session (March 2022)Hohmann, J
2016‘Opium as an Object of International Law: Doctrines of Sovereignty and Intervention’Hohmann, J; Reinish, A; Footer, M; Binder, C
2018‘Opium’Hohmann, J; Hohmann, J; Joyce, D
2023-06-01Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights Inquiry into Australia's Human Rights Framework Submission from the Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ESCR) Network (Australia & Aotearoa/New Zealand) (June 2023)Hohmann, J
2018-12-20PassportDehm, S; Hohmann, J; Joyce, D
2017-01-01Principle, Politics and practice: The role of un special rapporteurs on the right to adequate housing in the development of the right to housing in international lawHohmann, J
2022-09-23Property and the right to housingHohmann, J; Graham, N; Davies, M; Godden, L
2016Protecting the Right to Housing in England: A Context of Crisis Parallel Report to the UN CESCR on England’s performance under ICESCR, 2015Hohmann, J