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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012-11-21Allorecognition maturation in the broadcast-spawning coral Acropora milleporaPuill-Stephan, E; Willis, BL; Abrego, D; Raina, JB; van Oppen, MJH
2018-02-01Antimicrobial and stress responses to increased temperature and bacterial pathogen challenge in the holobiont of a reef-building coralvan de Water, JAJM; Chaib De Mares, M; Dixon, GB; Raina, JB; Willis, BL; Bourne, DG; van Oppen, MJH
2023-01Coral holobiont research needs spatial analyses at the microbial scale.van Oppen, MJH; Raina, J-B
2022Coral restoration and adaptation in Australia: The first five years.McLeod, IM; Hein, MY; Babcock, R; Bay, L; Bourne, DG; Cook, N; Doropoulos, C; Gibbs, M; Harrison, P; Lockie, S; van Oppen, MJH; Mattocks, N; Page, CA; Randall, CJ; Smith, A; Smith, HA; Suggett, DJ; Taylor, B; Vella, KJ; Wachenfeld, D; Boström-Einarsson, L; Guest, JR
2021-04-14Correction to: Intracellular bacteria are common and taxonomically diverse in cultured and in hospite algal endosymbionts of coral reefsMaire, J; Girvan, SK; Barkla, SE; Perez-Gonzalez, A; Suggett, DJ; Blackall, LL; van Oppen, MJH
2017-06-30Engineering strategies to decode and enhance the genomes of coral symbiontsLevin, RA; Voolstra, CR; Agrawal, S; Steinberg, PD; Suggett, DJ; van Oppen, MJH
2010-12-01Estimating the Potential for Adaptation of Corals to Climate WarmingCsászár, NBM; Ralph, PJ; Frankham, R; Berkelmans, R; van Oppen, MJH
2017-09-01Expanding the Symbiodinium (Dinophyceae, Suessiales) Toolkit Through Protoplast TechnologyLevin, RA; Suggett, DJ; Nitschke, MR; van Oppen, MJH; Steinberg, PD
2023-12-01Heat-evolved microalgal symbionts increase thermal bleaching tolerance of coral juveniles without a trade-off against growthQuigley, KM; Alvarez-Roa, C; Raina, JB; Pernice, M; van Oppen, MJH
2023Heat-evolved microalgal symbionts increase thermal bleaching tolerance of coral juveniles without a trade-off against growthQuigley, KM; Alvarez-Roa, C; Raina, J-B; Pernice, M; van Oppen, MJH
2022-03-14Horizon scan of rapidly advancing coral restoration approaches for 21st century reef management.Suggett, DJ; van Oppen, MJH
2021-02-08Intracellular bacteria are common and taxonomically diverse in cultured and in hospite algal endosymbionts of coral reefs.Maire, J; Girvan, SK; Barkla, SE; Perez-Gonzalez, A; Suggett, DJ; Blackall, LL; van Oppen, MJH
2023-10-01Long-term preconditioning of the coral Pocillopora acuta does not restore performance in future ocean conditionsRoper, CD; Donelson, JM; Ferguson, S; van Oppen, MJH; Cantin, NE
2011-06-01Niche specialization of reef-building corals in the mesophotic zone: Metabolic trade-offs between divergent Symbiodinium typesCooper, TF; Ulstrup, KE; Dandan, SS; Heyward, AJ; Kühl, M; Muirhead, A; O'Leary, RA; Ziersen, BEF; van Oppen, MJH
2021-08-01Physiological diversity among sympatric, conspecific endosymbionts of coral (Cladocopium C1<sup>acro</sup>) from the Great Barrier ReefBeltrán, VH; Puill-Stephan, E; Howells, E; Flores-Moya, A; Doblin, M; Núñez-Lara, E; Escamilla, V; López, T; van Oppen, MJH
2017-09-01Prevalent and persistent viral infection in cultures of the coral algal endosymbiont SymbiodiniumWeynberg, KD; Neave, M; Clode, PL; Voolstra, CR; Brownlee, C; Laffy, P; Webster, NS; Levin, RA; Wood-Charlson, EM; van Oppen, MJH
2023-08-01Selecting coral species for reef restorationMadin, JS; McWilliam, M; Quigley, K; Bay, LK; Bellwood, D; Doropoulos, C; Fernandes, L; Harrison, P; Hoey, AS; Mumby, PJ; Ortiz, JC; Richards, ZT; Riginos, C; Schiettekatte, NMD; Suggett, DJ; van Oppen, MJH
2016-11Sex, Scavengers, and Chaperones: Transcriptome Secrets of Divergent Symbiodinium Thermal Tolerances.Levin, RA; Beltran, VH; Hill, R; Kjelleberg, S; McDougald, D; Steinberg, PD; van Oppen, MJH
2020-01-01Symbiodiniaceae-bacteria interactions: rethinking metabolite exchange in reef-building corals as multi-partner metabolic networksMatthews, JL; Raina, JB; Kahlke, T; Seymour, JR; van Oppen, MJH; Suggett, DJ
2011-05-27Variation in photosynthesis and respiration in geographically distinct populations of two reef-building coral speciesUlstrup, KE; Kühl, M; van Oppen, MJH; Cooper, TF; Ralph, PJ