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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023-06Macroalgae exhibit diverse responses to human disturbances on coral reefs.Cannon, SE; Donner, SD; Liu, A; González Espinosa, PC; Baird, AH; Baum, JK; Bauman, AG; Beger, M; Benkwitt, CE; Birt, MJ; Chancerelle, Y; Cinner, JE; Crane, NL; Denis, V; Depczynski, M; Fadli, N; Fenner, D; Fulton, CJ; Golbuu, Y; Graham, NAJ; Guest, J; Harrison, HB; Hobbs, J-PA; Hoey, AS; Holmes, TH; Houk, P; Januchowski-Hartley, FA; Jompa, J; Kuo, C-Y; Limmon, GV; Lin, YV; McClanahan, TR; Muenzel, D; Paddack, MJ; Planes, S; Pratchett, MS; Radford, B; Reimer, JD; Richards, ZT; Ross, CL; Rulmal, J; Sommer, B; Williams, GJ; Wilson, SK
2017-06-01Effects of climate change on coral grouper (Plectropomus spp.) and possible adaptation optionsPratchett, MS; Cameron, DS; Donelson, J; Evans, L; Frisch, AJ; Hobday, AJ; Hoey, AS; Marshall, NA; Messmer, V; Munday, PL; Pears, R; Pecl, G; Reynolds, A; Scott, M; Tobin, A; Tobin, R; Welch, DJ; Williamson, DH
2017-03Global warming and recurrent mass bleaching of corals.Hughes, TP; Kerry, JT; Álvarez-Noriega, M; Álvarez-Romero, JG; Anderson, KD; Baird, AH; Babcock, RC; Beger, M; Bellwood, DR; Berkelmans, R; Bridge, TC; Butler, IR; Byrne, M; Cantin, NE; Comeau, S; Connolly, SR; Cumming, GS; Dalton, SJ; Diaz-Pulido, G; Eakin, CM; Figueira, WF; Gilmour, JP; Harrison, HB; Heron, SF; Hoey, AS; Hobbs, J-PA; Hoogenboom, MO; Kennedy, EV; Kuo, C-Y; Lough, JM; Lowe, RJ; Liu, G; McCulloch, MT; Malcolm, HA; McWilliam, MJ; Pandolfi, JM; Pears, RJ; Pratchett, MS; Schoepf, V; Simpson, T; Skirving, WJ; Sommer, B; Torda, G; Wachenfeld, DR; Willis, BL; Wilson, SK
2014-01-01Latitudinal shifts in coral reef fishes: Why some species do and others do not shiftFeary, DA; Pratchett, MS; J Emslie, M; Fowler, AM; Figueira, WF; Luiz, OJ; Nakamura, Y; Booth, DJ
2013-08-01Elevated CO<inf>2</inf> affects the behavior of an ecologically and economically important coral reef fishMunday, PL; Pratchett, MS; Dixson, DL; Donelson, JM; Endo, GGK; Reynolds, AD; Knuckey, R
2013-07-30Functional composition of Chaetodon butterflyfishes at a peripheral and extreme coral reef location, the Persian GulfPratchett, MS; Hoey, AS; Feary, DA; Bauman, AG; Burt, JA; Riegl, BM
2013-07-30Multiple environmental factors influence the spatial distribution and structure of reef communities in the northeastern Arabian PeninsulaBauman, AG; Feary, DA; Heron, SF; Pratchett, MS; Burt, JA
2013-03-01Variation in the size structure of corals is related to environmental extremes in the Persian GulfBauman, AG; Pratchett, MS; Baird, AH; Riegl, B; Heron, SF; Feary, DA
2011-04-01Global human footprint on the linkage between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in reef fishesMora, C; Aburto-Oropeza, O; Ayala-Bocos, A; Ayotte, PM; Banks, S; Bauman, AG; Beger, M; Bessudo, S; Booth, DJ; Brokovich, E; Brooks, A; Chabanet, P; Cinner, JE; Cortés, J; Cruz-Motta, JJ; Cupul-Magaña, A; DeMartini, EE; Edgar, GJ; Feary, DA; Ferse, SCA; Friedlander, AM; Gaston, KJ; Gough, C; Graham, NAJ; Green, A; Guzman, H; Hardt, M; Kulbicki, M; Letourneur, Y; Ĺpez-Pérez, A; Loreau, M; Loya, Y; Martinez, C; Mascareñas-Osorio, I; Morove, T; Nadon, MO; Nakamura, Y; Paredes, G; Polunin, NVC; Pratchett, MS; Reyes Bonilla, H; Rivera, F; Sala, E; Sandin, SA; Soler, G; Stuart-Smith, R; Tessier, E; Tittensor, DP; Tupper, M; Usseglio, P; Vigliola, L; Wantiez, L; Williams, I; Wilson, SK; Zapata, FA
2010-03-15Crucial knowledge gaps in current understanding of climate change impacts on coral reef fishesWilson, SK; Adjeroud, M; Bellwood, DR; Berumen, ML; Booth, D; Bozec, YM; Chabanet, P; Cheal, A; Cinner, J; Depczynski, M; Feary, DA; Gagliano, M; Graham, NAJ; Halford, AR; Halpern, BS; Harborne, AR; Hoey, AS; Holbrook, SJ; Jones, GP; Kulblki, M; Letourneur, Y; De Loma, TL; McClanahan, T; McCormick, MI; Meekan, MG; Mumby, PJ; Munday, PL; Öhman, MC; Pratchett, MS; Rlegl, B; Sano, M; Schmitt, RJ; Syms, C
2009-06-01Gear-based fisheries management as a potential adaptive response to climate change and coral mortalityCinner, JE; McClanahan, TR; Graham, NAJ; Pratchett, MS; Wilson, SK; Raina, JB
2009-02-10Ocean acidification impairs olfactory discrimination and homing ability of a marine fishMunday, PL; Dixson, DL; Donelson, JM; Jones, GP; Pratchett, MS; Devitsina, GV; Døving, KB