Browsing byAuthorQi, H

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Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023-01Nonlinear modeling and experimental characterization of hydraulically interconnected suspension with shim pack and gas-oil emulsionTan, B; Lin, X; Zhang, B; Zhang, N; Qi, H; Zheng, M
2022-01-01Sensitivity stratification concept and hierarchical multi-objective optimisation for an ambulance with hydraulically interconnected suspension and stretcher-human body modelTan, B; Wang, S; Zhang, B; Li, B; Zhang, N; Qi, H
2021-11-01Optimisation of a smart energy hub with integration of combined heat and power, demand side response and energy storageQi, H; Yue, H; Zhang, J; Lo, KL
2021-01-01A comprehensive tune of coupled roll and lateral dynamics and parameter sensitivity study for a vehicle fitted with hydraulically interconnected suspension systemQi, H; Zhang, N; Chen, Y; Tan, B
2020-03-25Study on Dynamic Performance of a Bus Equipped with Electronically Controlled Air Spring and Hydraulically Interconnected SuspensionQi, H; Zhang, N; Wang, D; Zhang, B; Zheng, M
2020-02-01Improvement of both handling stability and ride comfort of a vehicle via coupled hydraulically interconnected suspension and electronic controlled air springQi, H; Chen, Y; Zhang, N; Zhang, B; Wang, D; Tan, B
2019-07-01Optimal Control of CHP Plant Integrated with Load Management on HVAC System in MicrogridQi, H; Yue, H; Zhang, J; Lo, S
2018-09-01Oil Spill Segmentation via Adversarial f-Divergence LearningYu, X; Zhang, H; Luo, C; Qi, H; Ren, P
2017-12-29Lateral stability study of a vehicle fitted with hydraulically interconnected suspension in slalom maneuverWang, L; Jian, S; Qi, H; Zhang, N
2015-12-07The Visual Object Tracking VOT2015 Challenge ResultsKristan, M; Matas, J; Leonardis, A; Felsberg, M; Čehovin, L; Fernández, G; Vojír˜, T; Häger, G; Nebehay, G; Pflugfelder, R; Gupta, A; Bibi, A; Lukežič, A; Garcia-Martin, A; Saffari, A; Petrosino, A; Montero, AS; Varfolomieiev, A; Baskurt, A; Zhao, B; Ghanem, B; Martinez, B; Lee, B; Han, B; Wang, C; Garcia, C; Zhang, C; Schmid, C; Tao, D; Kim, D; Huang, D; Prokhorov, D; Du, D; Yeung, DY; Ribeiro, E; Khan, FS; Porikli, F; Bunyak, F; Zhu, G; Seetharaman, G; Kieritz, H; Yau, HT; Li, H; Qi, H; Bischof, H; Possegger, H; Lee, H; Nam, H; Bogun, I; Jeong, JC; Cho, JI; Lee, JY; Zhu, J; Shi, J; Li, J; Jia, J; Feng, J; Gao, J; Choi, JY; Kim, JW; Lang, J; Martinez, JM; Choi, J; Xing, J; Xue, K; Palaniappan, K; Lebeda, K; Alahari, K; Gao, K; Yun, K; Wong, KH; Luo, L; Ma, L; Ke, L; Wen, L; Bertinetto, L; Pootschi, M; Maresca, M; Danelljan, M; Wen, M; Zhang, M; Arens, M; Valstar, M; Tang, M; Chang, MC; Khan, MH; Fan, N; Wang, N; Miksik, O; Torr, PHS; Wang, Q; Martin-Nieto, R; Pelapur, R; Bowden, R; Laganière, R; Moujtahid, S; Hare, S; Hadfield, S; Lyu, S; Li, S
2014-01-01Photosensitivity, phase shifted grating and DFB fibre laser in bismuth / erbium co-doped germanosilicate optical fibreQi, H; Luo, Y; Yang, H; Zhang, J; Canning, J; Peng, GD
2006-12-01SVM-OD: SVM method to detect outliersWang, J; Zhang, C; Wu, X; Qi, H
2005-01SVM-OD: SVM Method to Detect OutliersWang, J; Zhang, C; Wu, X; Qi, H