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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018-01A retrospective audit on usage of Diatrizoate Meglumine (Gastrografin®) for intestinal obstruction or constipation in patients with advanced neoplasms.Heng, S; Hardy, J; Good, P
2011-05-01Aggregating single patient (n-of-1) trials in populations where recruitment and retention was difficult: The case of palliative careNikles, J; Mitchell, GK; Schluter, P; Good, P; Hardy, J; Rowett, D; Shelby-James, T; Vohra, S; Currow, D
2017-02An open-label pilot study of oral vitamin C as an opioid-sparing agent in patients with chronic pain secondary to cancer.Pinkerton, E; Good, P; Gibbons, K; Hardy, J
2020-01Assessing quality of life in palliative care settings: head-to-head comparison of four patient-reported outcome measures (EORTC QLQ-C15-PAL, FACT-Pal, FACT-Pal-14, FACT-G7).King, MT; Agar, M; Currow, DC; Hardy, J; Fazekas, B; McCaffrey, N
2019-04-01Association of Apolipoprotein E With Intracerebral Hemorrhage Risk by Race/Ethnicity A Meta-analysisMarini, S; Crawford, K; Morotti, A; Lee, MJ; Pezzini, A; Moomaw, CJ; Flaherty, ML; Montaner, J; Roquer, J; Jimenez-Conde, J; Giralt-Steinhauer, E; Elosua, R; Cuadrado-Godia, E; Soriano-Tarraga, C; Slowik, A; Jagiella, JM; Pera, J; Urbanik, A; Pichler, A; Hansen, BM; McCauley, JL; Tirschwell, DL; Selim, M; Brown, DL; Silliman, SL; Worrall, BB; Meschia, JF; Kidwell, CS; Testai, FD; Kittner, SJ; Schmidt, H; Enzinger, C; Deary, LJ; Rannikmae, K; Samarasekera, N; Salman, RA-S; Sudlow, CL; Klijn, CJM; van Nieuwenhuizen, KM; Fernandez-Cadenas, I; Delgado, P; Nonving, B; Lindgren, A; Goldstein, JN; Viswanathan, A; Greenberg, SM; Falcone, GJ; Biffi, A; Langefeld, CD; Woo, D; Rosand, J; Anderson, CD; Smoller, S; Sorkin, J; Wang, X; Pikula, A; Wolf, P; Debette, S; Seshadri, S; de Bakker, P; Chasman, D; Rexrode, K; Chen, I; Rotter, J; Luke, M; Sale, M; Lee, T-H; Chang, K-C; Elkind, M; Goldstein, L; James, ML; Breteler, M; O'Donnell, C; Leys, D; Carty, C; Kidwell, C; Olesen, J; Sharma, P; Rich, S; Tatlisumak, T; Happola, O; Bijlenga, P; Soriano, C; Giralt, E; Cotlarcius, L; Hardy, J; Korostynski, M; Boncoraglio, G; Ballabio, E; Parati, E; Mateusz, A; Dziedzic, T; Jagiella, J; Gasowski, J; Wnuk, M; Olszanecki, R; Juchniewicz, KJ; Levi, C; Nyquist, P; Cendes, I; Cabral, N; Franca, P; Goncalves, A; Keller, L; Crisby, M; Kostulas, K; Lennnnens, R; Ahmadi, K; Opherk, C; Duering, M; Dichgans, M; Malik, R; Gonik, M; Staals, J; Melander, O; Burri, P; Sadr-Nabavi, A; Romero, J; Anderson, C; Falcone, G; Brouwers, B; Rost, N; Du, R; Kourkoulis, C; Battey, T; Lubitz, S; Mueller-Myhsok, B; Meschia, J; Brott, T; Pare, G; Schmidt, R; Seiler, S; Blanton, S; Yamada, Y; Bersano, A; Rundek, T; Sacco, R; Chan, Y-FY; Gschwendtner, A; Deng, Z; Barr, T; Gwinn, K; Corriveau, R; Singleton, A; Waddy, S; Launer, L; Chen, C; Le, KE; Lee, WL; Tan, EK; Olugbodi, A; Rothwell, P; Schilling, S; Mok, V; Lebedeva, E; Jem, C; Jood, K; Olsson, S; Kim, H; Lee, C; Kilarski, L; Markus, H; Peycke, J; Bevan, S; Sheu, W; Chiou, HY; Chern, J; Giraldo, E; Taqi, M; Jain, V; Lam, O; Howard, G; Kittner, S; Mitchell, B; Cole, J; O'Connell, J; Milewicz, D; Illoh, K; Worrall, B; Stine, C; Karaszewski, B; Werring, D; Sofat, R; Smalley, J; Hansen, B; Norrving, B; Smith, G; Martin, JJ; Thijs, V; Klijn, K; van't Hof, F; Algra, A; Macleod, M; Perry, R; Arnett, D; Padovani, A; Cramer, S; Fisher, M; Saleheen, D; Broderick, J; Kissela, B; Doney, A; Sudlow, C; Silliman, S; McDonough, C; Walters, M; Pedersen, A; Nakagawa, K; Chang, C; Dobbins, M; McArdle, P; Chang, Y-C; Brown, R; Brown, D; Holliday, E; Kalaria, R; Maguire, J; Hunter, J; Attia, J; Farrall, M; Giese, A-K; Fomage, M; Majersik, J; Cushman, M; Keene, K; Bennett, S; Tirschwell, D; Psaty, B; Reiner, A; Longstreth, W; Spence, D; Langefeld, C; Bushnell, C; Heitsch, L; Lee, J-M; Sheth, K
2022-10-19Association of KCNJ6 rs2070995 and methadone response for pain management in advanced cancer at end-of-life.Ozberk, D; Haywood, A; Sutherland, HG; Yu, C; Albury, CL; Zunk, M; George, R; Good, P; Griffiths, LR; Hardy, J; Haupt, LM
2022-04Association of polymorphisms in ARRB2 and clinical response to methadone for pain in advanced cancer.Ozberk, D; Haywood, A; Sutherland, HG; Yu, C; Albury, CL; Zunk, M; George, R; Good, P; Griffiths, LR; Hardy, J; Haupt, LM
2017-09Can Saliva and Plasma Methadone Concentrations Be Used for Enantioselective Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Studies in Patients With Advanced Cancer?George, R; Haywood, A; Good, P; Hennig, S; Khan, S; Norris, R; Hardy, J
2013-12-01Can the LANSS scale be used to classify pain in chronic cancer pain trials?Hardy, J; Quinn, S; Fazekas, B; Agar, M; Currow, D
2024-05-17Cannabidiol oil or placebo in advanced cancer-disease progression and survival: a secondary analysis.O'Leary, C; Greer, R; Huggett, G; Good, P; Gurgenci, T; Hardy, J
2003-12Central venous access and handwashing: variability in policies and practices.Galway, R; Harrod, ME; Crisp, J; Donnellan, R; Hardy, J; Harvey, A; Maurice, L; Petty, S; Senner, A
2024-05-30Correction: Medicinal Cannabis (MedCan 3): a randomised, multicentre, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial to assess THC/CBD (1:20) to relieve symptom burden in patients with cancer-a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial.Gurgenci, T; Hardy, J; Huggett, G; Foster, K; Pelecanos, A; Greer, R; Philip, J; Haywood, A; Mendis, R; Yates, P; Good, P
2012-01-01Defining refractory pain in cancer for clinicians and researchersCurrow, DC; Spruyt, O; Hardy, J
2012-12-01Designing and conducting randomized controlled trials in palliative care: A summary of discussions from the 2010 clinical research forum of the Australian Palliative Care Clinical Studies CollaborativeShelby-James, TM; Hardy, J; Agar, M; Yates, P; Mitchell, G; Sanderson, C; Luckett, T; Abernethy, AP; Currow, DC
2013-11-18Do pilocarpine drops help dry mouth in palliative care patients: A protocol for an aggregated series of n-of-1 trialsNikles, J; Mitchell, GK; Hardy, J; Agar, M; Senior, H; Carmont, SA; Schluter, PJ; Good, P; Vora, R; Currow, D
2022-04Does Cannabidiol Have a Benefit as a Supportive Care Drug in Cancer?Lord, S; Hardy, J; Good, P
2024Drug dependence epidemiology in palliative care medicinal cannabis trials.Lee, CY; Good, P; Huggett, G; Greer, R; Hardy, J
2019-01-01Economic evaluation of the randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of subcutaneous ketamine in the management of chronic cancer painMcCaffrey, N; Flint, T; Kaambwa, B; Fazekas, B; Rowett, D; Currow, DC; Hardy, J; Agar, MR; Quinn, S; Eckermann, S
2017Efficacy of Oral Risperidone, Haloperidol, or Placebo for Symptoms of Delirium Among Patients in Palliative Care A Randomized Clinical TrialAgar, M; Lawlor, P; Quinn, S; Draper, B; Caplan, G; Rowett, D; Sanderson, C; Hardy, J; Le, B; Eckermann, S; McCaffrey, N; Devilee, L; Fazekas, B; Hill, M; Currow, D
2021-01-01Emotionally reflexive labour in end-of-life communication.Olson, RE; Smith, A; Good, P; Neate, E; Hughes, C; Hardy, J