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Showing results 1 to 20 of 116  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023-0149 Burden and challenges of malignant bowel obstruction: a qualitative studyBaddeley, E; Bravington, A; Nelson, A; Johnson, MJ; Murtagh, FE; Currow, DC; Obita, G; Boland, EG; Seddon, K; Oliver, A; Noble, SI; Boland, JW
2020-07-28A systematic review and meta-analysis of studies comparing burden from lung cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.Luckett, T; San Martin, A; Currow, DC; Johnson, MJ; Barnes-Harris, MM; Phillips, JL
2020-08-01Activities Forgone because of Chronic Breathlessness: A Cross-Sectional Population Prevalence StudyKochovska, S; Chang, S; Morgan, DD; Ferreira, D; Sidhu, M; Saleh Moussa, R; Johnson, MJ; Ekström, M; Currow, DC
2012-11-01Activity as a measure of symptom controlCurrow, DC; Abernethy, AP; Johnson, MJ
2019-05-01Acute-on-Chronic Breathlessness: Recognition and ResponseHutchinson, A; Johnson, MJ; Currow, D
2016-05-01The Adaptation, Face, and Content Validation of a Needs Assessment Tool: Progressive Disease for People with Interstitial Lung DiseaseBoland, JW; Reigada, C; Yorke, J; Hart, SP; Bajwah, S; Ross, J; Wells, A; Papadopoulos, A; Currow, DC; Grande, G; Macleod, U; Johnson, MJ
2019-04-01Agreement Between Breathlessness Severity and Unpleasantness in People With Chronic Breathlessness: A Longitudinal Clinical StudyEkström, M; Williams, M; Johnson, MJ; Huang, C; Currow, DC
2019-07-11Australia-modified Karnofsky Performance Scale and physical activity in COPD and lung cancer: an exploratory pooled data analysis.Barbetta, C; Allgar, V; Maddocks, M; Ribeiro, C; Wilcock, A; Currow, DC; Phillips, J; Johnson, MJ
2019-01-01Battery operated fan and chronic breathlessness: Does it help?Barnes-Harris, M; Allgar, V; Booth, S; Currow, D; Hart, S; Phillips, J; Swan, F; Johnson, MJ
2016-02-01Blinded Patient Preference for Morphine Compared to Placebo in the Setting of Chronic Refractory Breathlessness - An Exploratory StudyFerreira, DH; Silva, JP; Quinn, S; Abernethy, AP; Johnson, MJ; Oxberry, SG; Currow, DC
2013-12-02Breathlessness - Current and emerging mechanisms, measurement and management: A discussion from an European Association of Palliative Care workshopCurrow, DC; Higginson, IJ; Johnson, MJ
2020-04Breathlessness and opioid prescribing in COPD in general practice: a cross-sectional, observational study.Currow, DC; Johnson, MJ; Pollack, A; Ferreira, DH; Kochovska, S; Ekström, M; Harrison, C
2018-12-01Breathlessness and sexual activity in older adults: The Australian Longitudinal Study of AgeingEkström, M; Johnson, MJ; Taylor, B; Luszcz, M; Wohland, P; Ferreira, DH; Currow, DC
2016-01-01Breathlessness in Elderly Adults during the Last Year of Life Sufficient to Restrict Activity: Prevalence, Pattern, and Associated FactorsJohnson, MJ; Bland, JM; Gahbauer, EA; Ekström, M; Sinnarajah, A; Gill, TM; Currow, DC
2023-09-01Breathlessness limiting exertion in very old adults: findings from the Newcastle 85+ study.Johnson, MJ; Pitel, L; Currow, DC; Forbes, C; Soyiri, I; Robinson, L
2024-09-30Breathlessness without borders: a call to action for global breathlessness research.Clark, JD; Binnie, K; Bond, M; Crooks, M; Currow, DC; Curry, J; Elsey, H; Habib, M; Hutchinson, A; Soyiri, I; Johnson, MJ; Nair, S; Rao, S; Siqueira-Filha, N; Spathis, A; Williams, S
-Calculating worldwide needs for morphine for pain in advanced cancer and proportions feasibly met by country estimates of requirements and consumption. Retrospective, time-series analysis (1997–2017)Clark, J; Crowther, L; Johnson, MJ; Ramsenthaler, C; Currow, DC; Mehra, N
2015-01-01Can variability in the effect of opioids on refractory breathlessness be explained by genetic factors?Currow, DC; Quinn, S; Ekstrom, M; Kaasa, S; Johnson, MJ; Somogyi, AA; Klepstad, P
2017-12-01Chronic breathlessness associated with poorer physical and mental health-related quality of life (SF-12) across all adult age groupsCurrow, DC; Dal Grande, E; Ferreira, D; Johnson, MJ; McCaffrey, N; Ekström, M
2015-01-01Chronic refractory breathlessness is a distinct clinical syndromeJohnson, MJ; Currow, DC