Browsing byAuthorKennan, MA

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Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
-An information behaviour exploration of personal and family information and curation of our life historiesNarayan, B; Zijlema, A; Reyes, V; Kennan, MA
2011-01-01Changing trends in LIS job advertisementsWise, S; Henninger, M; Kennan, MA
2023-11-30Co-designing the Future of LIS in Australia through a Research-Practice-Education PartnershipNarayan, B; Luca, E; Kennan, MA
2019-10-02December EditorialKennan, MA; Narayan, B; Russell, F; Fields, A
2018-10-02EditorialKennan, MA; Fields, A; Narayan, B; Russell, F
2020-04-02Editorial June 2020Kennan, MA; Narayan, B; Russell, F; Fields, A
2019-01-02Editorial March 2019Kennan, MA; Fields, A; Narayan, B; Russell, F
2020-01-02Editorial March 2020Kennan, MA; Fields, A; Narayan, B; Russell, F
2023-01-01Editorial March 2023Narayan, B; Kennan, MA; McCallum, I; Quinn, S; Luca, E
2020-07-02Editorial September 2020Kennan, MA; Narayan, B; Russell, F; Fields, A
2019-01-01Information science education and library and information studies education: Transnational conversationsWeech, T; Chu, CM; Hirsh, S; Julien, H; Kennan, MA; Velasquez, DL; Narayan, B
2021-01-01June 2021 EditorialKennan, MA; Narayan, B; Luca, E; Quinn, S; McCallum, I
2022-04-03June 2022 EditorialKennan, MA; Luca, E; Narayan, B; McCallum, I; Quinn, S
2024-12-16The Mutability of Personal Documents and Mediated Memories as We Age: A Collaborative ReflectionReyes, V; Narayan, B; Zijlema, A; Kennan, MA; Narayan, B