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Showing results 1 to 20 of 29  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021-031-Phenylcyclohexan-1-amine hydrochloride (PCA HCl) alters mesolimbic dopamine system accompanied by neuroplastic changes: A neuropsychopharmacological evaluation in rodents.Abiero, A; Perez Custodio, RJ; Botanas, CJ; Ortiz, DM; Sayson, LV; Kim, M; Lee, HJ; Yoon, S; Lee, YS; Cheong, JH; Kim, HJ
2023-11A randomised controlled trial of clinician supported vs self-help delivery of online cognitive behaviour therapy for Bulimia Nervosa.Barakat, S; Burton, AL; Cunich, M; Hay, P; Hazelton, JL; Kim, M; Lymer, S; Madden, S; Maloney, D; Miskovic-Wheatley, J; Rogers, D; Russell, J; Sidari, M; Touyz, S; Maguire, S
2021-10-15Adaptation to an amoeba host drives selection of virulence-associated traits in Vibrio cholerae.Hoque, MM; Noorian, P; Espinoza-Vergara, G; Manuneedhi Cholan, P; Kim, M; Rahman, MH; Labbate, M; Rice, SA; Pernice, M; Oehlers, SH; McDougald, D
2019-07-01Automatic Recognition of General LPI Radar Waveform Using SSD and Supplementary ClassifierHoang, LM; Kim, M; Kong, SH
2024-01-15Biomining for sustainable recovery of rare earth elements from mining waste: A comprehensive review.Vo, PHN; Danaee, S; Hai, HTN; Huy, LN; Nguyen, TAH; Nguyen, HTM; Kuzhiumparambil, U; Kim, M; Nghiem, LD; Ralph, PJ
2024-08Biomining using microalgae to recover rare earth elements (REEs) from bauxite.Vo, PHN; Kuzhiumparambil, U; Kim, M; Hinkley, C; Pernice, M; Nghiem, LD; Ralph, PJ
2004-01Developing an ontology of Spatial RelationsBrennan, J; Martin, EA; Kim, M; Gero, JS; Tresky, B; Knight, T
2017-08-15Development of an efficient protein extraction method compatible with LC-MS/MS for proteome mapping in two Australian seagrasses zostera muelleri and posidonia AustralisJiang, Z; Kumar, M; Padula, MP; Pernice, M; Kahlke, T; Kim, M; Ralph, PJ
2019-08-01Effect of reduced irradiance on <sup>13</sup>C uptake, gene expression and protein activity of the seagrass Zostera muelleriKim, M; Pernice, M; Watson-Lazowski, A; Guagliardo, P; Kilburn, MR; Larkum, AWD; Raven, JA; Ralph, PJ
2019-01-01Enhancement of thermoelectric properties of La-doped SrTiO<inf>3</inf> bulk by introducing nanoscale porosityAhmed, AJ; Nazrul Islam, SMK; Hossain, R; Kim, J; Kim, M; Billah, M; Hossain, MSA; Yamauchi, Y; Wang, X
2016-07-19Isomeric Effect Enabled Thermally Driven Self-Assembly of Hydroxystyrene-Based Block Copolymers.Kanimozhi, C; Kim, M; Larson, SR; Choi, JW; Choo, Y; Sweat, DP; Osuji, CO; Gopalan, P
2017-10The Joint Credit Risk of UK Global-Systemically Important BanksCerrato, M; Crosby, AJ; Kim, M; Zhao, Y
2018-05-01Low oxygen affects photophysiology and the level of expression of two-carbon metabolism genes in the seagrass Zostera muelleriKim, M; Brodersen, KE; Szabó, M; Larkum, AWD; Raven, JA; Ralph, PJ; Pernice, M
2024-12-01Microalgae-bacteria consortia for organic pollutants remediation from wastewater: A critical reviewVo, TP; Danaee, S; Chaiwong, C; Pham, BT; Poddar, N; Kim, M; Kuzhiumparambil, U; Songsomboon, C; Pernice, M; Ngo, HH; Ralph, PJ; Vo, PHN
2018-09-01Modeling methane production in anaerobic forward osmosis bioreactor using a modified anaerobic digestion model No. 1Song, YC; Kim, M; Shon, H; Jegatheesan, V; Kim, S
2024-12-19Multi-omic profiles of Sorghum genotypes with contrasting heat tolerance connect pathways related to thermotolerance.Watson-Lazowski, A; Cano, FJ; Kim, M; Benning, U; Koller, F; George-Jaeggli, B; Cruickshank, A; Mace, E; Jordan, D; Pernice, M; Warren, C; Ghannoum, O
2017-08-22NTIRE 2017 Challenge on Single Image Super-Resolution: Methods and ResultsTimofte, R; Agustsson, E; Gool, LV; Yang, MH; Zhang, L; Lim, B; Son, S; Kim, H; Nah, S; Lee, KM; Wang, X; Tian, Y; Yu, K; Zhang, Y; Wu, S; Dong, C; Lin, L; Qiao, Y; Loy, CC; Bae, W; Yoo, J; Han, Y; Ye, JC; Choi, JS; Kim, M; Fan, Y; Yu, J; Han, W; Liu, D; Yu, H; Wang, Z; Shi, H; Huang, TS; Chen, Y; Zhang, K; Zuo, W; Tang, Z; Luo, L; Li, S; Fu, M; Cao, L; Heng, W; Bui, G; Le, T; Duan, Y; Tao, D; Wang, R; Lin, X; Pang, J; Xu, J; Zhao, Y; Xu, X; Pan, J; Sun, D; Song, X; Dai, Y; Qin, X; Huynh, XP; Guo, T; Mousavi, HS; Vu, TH; Monga, V; Cruz, C; Egiazarian, K; Katkovnik, V; Mehta, R; Jain, AK; Agarwalla, A; Praveen, CVS; Zhou, R; Wen, H; Zhu, C; Xia, Z; Guo, Q
2024-03-15Occurrence, spatiotemporal trends, fate, and treatment technologies for microplastics and organic contaminants in biosolids: A review.Vo, PHN; Ky Le, G; Huy, LN; Zheng, L; Chaiwong, C; Nguyen, NN; Nguyen, HTM; Ralph, PJ; Kuzhiumparambil, U; Soroosh, D; Toft, S; Madsen, C; Kim, M; Fenstermacher, J; Hai, HTN; Duan, H; Tscharke, B
2017-01-01Photocatalytic H<inf>2</inf> production on trititanate nanotubes coupled with CdS and platinum nanoparticles under visible light: Revisiting H<inf>2</inf> production and material durabilityPark, H; Ou, HH; Kim, M; Kang, U; Han, DS; Hoffmann, MR
2025-01-01Random mutagenesis using cold atmospheric plasma to produce mutant microalgae for hyper-recovery of rare earth elements from mining materialsVo, PHN; Kim, M; Kuzhiumparambil, U; Hinkley, C; Hong, J; Zhang, T; Pernice, M; Cullen, PJ; Ralph, PJ