Browsing byAuthorPatel, C

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Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019-11-08Ensuring Best Practice in Genomic Education and Evaluation: A Program Logic ApproachNisselle, A; Martyn, M; Jordan, H; Kaunein, N; McEwen, A; Patel, C; Terrill, B; Bishop, M; Metcalfe, S; Gaff, C
2021-04-06Ensuring best practice in genomics education and evaluation: reporting item standards for education and its evaluation in genomics (RISE2 Genomics).Nisselle, A; Janinski, M; Martyn, M; McClaren, B; Kaunein, N; Reporting Item Standards for Education and its Evaluation in Genomics Expert Group,; Barlow-Stewart, K; Belcher, A; Bernat, JA; Best, S; Bishop, M; Carroll, JC; Cornel, M; Dissanayake, VHW; Dodds, A; Dunlop, K; Garg, G; Gear, R; Graves, D; Knight, K; Korf, B; Kumar, D; Laurino, M; Ma, A; Maguire, J; Mallett, A; McCarthy, M; McEwen, A; Mulder, N; Patel, C; Quinlan, C; Reed, K; Riggs, ER; Sinnerbrink, I; Slavotinek, A; Suppiah, V; Terrill, B; Tobias, ES; Tonkin, E; Trumble, S; Wessels, T-M; Metcalfe, S; Jordan, H; Gaff, C
2024-08-17Shaping the future of kidney genetics in Australia: proceedings from the KidGen policy implementation workshop 2023.Mallawaarachchi, A; Biros, E; Harris, T; Bennetts, B; Boughtwood, T; Elliott, J; Fowles, L; Gardos, R; Garza, D; Goranitis, I; Haas, M; Huntley, V; Jefferis, J; Kassahn, K; Leaver, A; Lundie, B; Lunke, S; O'Connor, C; Pratt, G; Quinlan, C; Shearman, D; Soraru, J; Sundaram, M; Tchan, M; Valente, G; White, J; Wilkins, E; Alexander, SI; Amir, N; Best, S; Gul, H; Jayasinghe, K; McCarthy, H; Patel, C; Stark, Z; Mallett, AJ