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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024-07Curbing the major and growing threats from invasive alien species is urgent and achievable.Roy, HE; Pauchard, A; Stoett, PJ; Renard Truong, T; Meyerson, LA; Bacher, S; Galil, BS; Hulme, PE; Ikeda, T; Kavileveettil, S; McGeoch, MA; Nuñez, MA; Ordonez, A; Rahlao, SJ; Schwindt, E; Seebens, H; Sheppard, AW; Vandvik, V; Aleksanyan, A; Ansong, M; August, T; Blanchard, R; Brugnoli, E; Bukombe, JK; Bwalya, B; Byun, C; Camacho-Cervantes, M; Cassey, P; Castillo, ML; Courchamp, F; Dehnen-Schmutz, K; Zenni, RD; Egawa, C; Essl, F; Fayvush, G; Fernandez, RD; Fernandez, M; Foxcroft, LC; Genovesi, P; Groom, QJ; González, AI; Helm, A; Herrera, I; Hiremath, AJ; Howard, PL; Hui, C; Ikegami, M; Keskin, E; Koyama, A; Ksenofontov, S; Lenzner, B; Lipinskaya, T; Lockwood, JL; Mangwa, DC; Martinou, AF; McDermott, SM; Morales, CL; Müllerová, J; Mungi, NA; Munishi, LK; Ojaveer, H; Pagad, SN; Pallewatta, NPKTS; Peacock, LR; Per, E; Pergl, J; Preda, C; Pyšek, P; Rai, RK; Ricciardi, A; Richardson, DM; Riley, S; Rono, BJ; Ryan-Colton, E; Saeedi, H; Shrestha, BB; Simberloff, D; Tawake, A; Tricarico, E; Vanderhoeven, S; Vicente, J; Vilà, M; Wanzala, W; Werenkraut, V; Weyl, OLF; Wilson, JRU; Xavier, RO; Ziller, SR
2023-03Designing a large-scale track-based monitoring program to detect changes in species distributions in arid Australia.Southwell, D; Skroblin, A; Moseby, K; Southgate, R; Indigo, N; Backhouse, B; Bellchambers, K; Brandle, R; Brenton, P; Copley, P; Dziminski, MA; Galindez-Silva, C; Lynch, C; Newman, P; Pedler, R; Rogers, D; Roshier, DA; Ryan-Colton, E; Tuft, K; Ward, M; Zurell, D; Legge, S
2024-09-11The Arid Zone Monitoring Project: combining Indigenous ecological expertise with scientific data analysis to assess the potential of using sign-based surveys to monitor vertebrates in the Australian desertsLegge, S; Indigo, N; Southwell, DM; Skroblin, A; Nou, T; Young, AR; Dielenberg, J; Wilkinson, DP; Brizuela-Torres, D; Yankunytjatjara, AP; Rangers, B; Backhouse, B; Silva, CG; Arkinstall, C; Lynch, C; Rangers, CLC; Curnow, CL; Rogers, DJ; Moore, D; Ryan-Colton, E; Benshemesh, J; Schofield, J; Jukurrpa, K; Rangers, K; Moseby, K; Tuft, K; Bellchambers, K; Bradley, K; Webeck, K; Rangers, K; Tait, L; Lindsay, M; Dziminski, M; Rangers, NW; Rangers, NC; Rangers, N; Jackett, N; Rangers, N; Rangers, NM; Copley, P; Paltridge, R; Pedler, RD; Southgate, R; Brandle, R; van Leeuwen, S; Partridge, T; Newsome, TM; Rangers, WM; Managers, YC