Browsing byAuthorScussel, O
Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2023-01-01 | A Simplified Model of the Ground Surface Vibration Arising from a Leaking Pipe | Muggleton, JM; Scussel, O; Rustighi, E; Brennan, MJ; Almeida, F; Karimi, M; Joseph, PF |
2023-11-10 | Analysis of phase data from ground vibration measurements above a leaking plastic water pipe | Scussel, O; Brennan, MJ; Iwanaga, MK; Almeida, FCL; Karimi, M; Muggleton, JM; Joseph, PF; Rustighi, E |
2023-01-01 | On the Pipe Localization Based on the Unwrapped Phase of Ground Surface Vibration Between a Roving Pair of Sensors | Iwanaga, MK; Brennan, MJ; Scussel, O; de Almeida, FCL; Karimi, M |
2024-12-01 | On the Significance of Parameter Uncertainties for Prediction of Leak Noise Wave Speed in Buried Pipes | Scussel, O; Muggleton, JM; Karimi, M; Williams, P; Kalkowski, MK; Joseph, PF; White, P |