On the Significance of Parameter Uncertainties for Prediction of Leak Noise Wave Speed in Buried Pipes

IOP Publishing
Publication Type:
Journal Article
Journal of Physics Conference Series, 2024, 2909, (1), pp. 012009
Issue Date:
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Abstract The modern world is facing the challenging issue of water wastage due to leaks, which is causing severe economic, environmental and social impacts. Consequently, the inspection and maintenance of buried water pipes is crucial and there is still a lack of investigations towards the uncertain parameters affecting the wave speed associated with the predominantly fluid-borne wave s=1, the main carrier of leak noise. This study investigates the effects of uncertainties present in the pipe and soil parameters which are affecting the speed of propagation of the leak noise wave. To achieve this, a sensitivity analysis is performed using Monte Carlo simulations and Sobol’ indices. Uncertainties are commonly associated with the material and geometrical properties of the pipe along with the surrounding soil characteristics. However, the significance of these parameters varies depending on the type of soil in which the water pipe is buried. In clay soil, the soil-related parameter plays a crucial role compared to sandy soil and this is verified through some experimental work carried out in two water pipe systems with very different properties, one in the UK and the other one in Brazil. This research is of fundamental importance for determining the most critical parameters affecting the leak noise wave, allowing to evaluate and integrate uncertainty information into decision-making of current technologies, such as loggers and leak noise correlators, aiming enhanced detection and location of water leakage in buried plastic water pipes.
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