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Showing results 1 to 20 of 33  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Australian Parliaments and the PandemicHobbs, H; Williams, G
2023-12-01Australian Parliaments and the PandemicHobbs, H; Williams, G
1991-01-01Cardiovascular effects of a chlorpheniramine/paracetamol combination in hypertensive patients who were sensitive to the pressor effect of pseudoephedrine.Chua, S; Benrimoj, S; Gordon, R; Williams, G
2017-09-01The case for a national whole-of-government anti-corruption bodyHobbs, H; Williams, G
2017Citizen Participation in AustraliaHobbs, HO; Williams, G; Morales, G
1989-01-01A controlled clinical trial on the cardiovascular effects of single doses of pseudoephedrine in hypertensive patients.Chua, S; Benrimoj, S; Gordon, R; Williams, G
2018-06-01The disqualification of dual citizens from parliament: Three problems and a solutionHobbs, H; Pillai, S; Williams, G
2017-11-01Dwell time and risk of central-line-associated bloodstream infection in neonatesSanderson, E; Yeo, KT; Wang, AY; Callander, I; Bajuk, B; Bolisetty, S; Lui, K; Bowen, J; Sedgley, S; Carlisle, H; Kent, A; Smith, J; Craven, P; Cruden, L; Argomand, A; Rieger, I; Malcolm, G; Lutz, T; Reid, S; Stack, J; Medlin, K; Marcin, K; Shingde, V; Chin, MF; Bonzer, K; Badawi, N; Halliday, R; Karskens, C; Paradisis, M; Kluckow, M; Jacobs, C; Numa, A; Williams, G; Young, J; Luig, M; Baird, J; Oei, JL; Cameron, D
2015-01-01Effective healthcare worker-patient communication in Hong Kong accident and emergency departmentsSlade, D; Chandler, E; Pun, J; Lam, M; Matthiessen, CMIM; Williams, G; Espindola, E; Veloso, FOD; Tsui, KL; Tang, SYH; Tang, KS
2004-01The High Court on Constitutional Law: the 2003 StatisticsLynch, AN; Williams, G
2004The High Court on Constitutional Law: the 2003 StatisticsLynch, A; Williams, G
2017The High Court under Chief Justice Robert FrenchHobbs, H; Lynch, A; Williams, G
2022-11How to Rule Your Own Country The Weird and Wonderful World of MicronationsHobbs, H; Williams, G
2004-01Informating the Curious Negotiator: Automatic News Extraction from the InternetZhang, DD; Simoff, SJ; Simoff, S; Williams, G
2022-01-05Micronations and the Search for SovereigntyHobbs, H; Williams, G
2021-04-22Micronations: A Lacuna in the LawThis is a pre-copyedited, author-produced version of an article accepted for publication in [International Journal of Constitutional Law] following peer review. The version of record [insert complete citation information here] is available online at:].; Hobbs, H; Williams, G
2024Nature Investor Toolkit: Understanding nature-related risks and opportunities and supporting investors to assess, engage and take actionCombe, M; Molinari, C; Williams, G; Alembakis, R; Lee, J; Leske, J; Back, O; House, M; Robinson, E; Williams, T; Leitch, S; Davies, E; Dalton, M; Munford, G; King, T; Manning, F; Samarakoon, N
2007-01New Media Responsibilities in Reporting TerrorismDreher, TI; Lynch, A; Williams, G; MacDonald, E
2018The noongar settlement: Australia’s first treatyHobbs, H; Williams, G
2019-11-01The participation of indigenous australians in legal education, 2001–18Hobbs, H; Williams, G