Service staff attitudes, organizational practices and performance drivers

EContent Management Pty Ltd
Publication Type:
Journal Article
Journal of Management & Organisation, 2008, 14 pp. 168 - 179
Issue Date:
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we provide conceptual and empirical insights elucidating how organisational practices influence service staffattitudes and behaviours and how the latter set affects organisational performance drivers. Our analyses suggest that service organisations can enhance their performance by putting in place strategies andpractices that strengthen the service-oriented behaviours oftheir employees and reduce their intentions to leave the organisation. Improved performance is accomplished through both the delivery ofhigh quality services (enhancing organisational effectiveness) and the maintenance offront-line staff(increasing organisational efficiency). Specifically, service-oriented business strategies in the form oforganisational-level service orientation andpractices in the form of training directly influence the manifest service-oriented behaviours ofstaff. Training also indirectly affects the intention off ront-line staffto leave the organisation; it increases job satisfaction, which, in turn has an impact on affective commitment. Both affective and instrumental commitment were hypothesised to reduce the intentions offront-line staffto leave the organisation, however only affective commitment had a significant effect.
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