Faculty of Business
Using a sample of ASX 500 firms over the 2005–2019 period, we document substantial variation in the use of performance targets within Chief Executive Officer (CEO) compensation contracts, contrasti...
This study examines the efficacy of a redesigned induction session to enhance and sustain student connectedness, addressing ongoing concerns relating to student isolation. We socially engineered th...
This article analyses the case of Dubai’s smart city from a public policy perspective and demonstrates how critical it is to rely on the use of the public-private partnership (PPP) model. Effective...
This article draws on ethnographic research investigating experimental reform projects in local nursing practices. These are aimed at strengthening nursing work and fostering nurses' position withi...
This study investigates the factors influencing undergraduate students’ self-directed learning (SDL) abilities in generative Artificial Intelligence (AI)-driven interactive learning environments. T...
The notion of refugees as a viable source of labor to address skill shortages in the destination country’s labor market has rarely been the dominant discourse on refugee entrants. Bella’s1 lived ex...