Australian call centres: Time to search for a new management model?

International Employment Relations Association
Publication Type:
Journal Article
International Employment Relations Review, 2009, 15 (1), pp. 1 - 15
Issue Date:
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As businesses restructure their operations the number of call centres is growing through ICT developments. Indeed the ACTU (2002) have argued that call centres are well placed to represent an e-commerce gateway for many companies. The scale, nature, organization and operation of call centres is extremely diverse (Burgess and Connell, 2004) although they share the ability to be organized on a continuous operational basis, they are highly dependent upon ICT platforms and call centre work is capable of being subject to extensive control and surveillance. While research has generated many bleak stories of the work experience in call centres with reference to 20th century workhouses (Callaghan and Thompson, 2001), there are also examples of high levels of job satisfaction combined with job commitment (Kinnie et al, 2001).
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