‘Leadership from the margins: Practising inclusivity with “outsiders within”

Palgrave Macmillan
Publication Type:
Inclusive Leadership Negotiating Gendered Spaces, 2018, pp. 1 - 20
Issue Date:
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The invisible dominance of white elite class masculinity remains a defining feature of leadership theory and practice. This chapter draws on the work of Black feminist, Patricia Hill Collins, to theorise inclusive forms of leadership that are done by those on the periphery of organisations and society. Specifically, I draw on Collins’ concept of ‘outsiders within’ to interpret the leadership of a biracial multigenerational Chinese Australian woman chief executive officer (CEO) who attempted to support gender and racial diversity in her company. I suggest that we can look towards people who are traditionally denied the title of ‘leadership’ for an ethico-politics of inclusion that resist the normalised power structures of leadership.
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