Idea Networking: Constructing a Pragmatic Conceptual Frame for Action Research Interventions

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Systemic Practice and Action Research, 2014, 27 (6), pp. 537 - 549
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© 2013, Springer Science+Business Media New York. Action research interventions require use of some form of conceptual frame to guide and evaluate the intervention. Pragmatism offers an explanation of ideas that enables this conceptual frame to be constructed inductively from diverse participants’ ideas. They define ideas as experienced patterns of activity. The purpose of this paper is to explain why and how this pragmatic explanation of ideas can be used to induce an action research conceptual frame. As a demonstration, the paper inducts (emerges) a conceptual frame using idea networking for service providers in an emerging cultural accommodation industry. 50 h of interviews and site visits provided 117 individual idea statements which were networked. The conceptual frame that emerged had five elements: sufficient-legitimation, selected-market, inclusive-boomi, appropriately-financial, and collaboratively-empowered. This provides a coordinated, multi-part, way of evaluating any possible future changes.
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