Sustaining Practice Innovation in Child and Family Health: report to partners

Centre for Research in Learning and Change, FASS, UTS
Publication Type:
2011, pp. 1 - 38
Issue Date:
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The publication reports on the findings of a UTS Partnership Grant-funded project, a collaboration between the Centre for Learning & Change FASS and FNMH, Tresillian Family Care Centres, Kaleidoscope Hunter Children's Health Network and the Royal New Zealand Plunket Society. The study explored the implementation of the Family Partnership Model (FPM, Davis, Day and Bidmead 2002) in three child and family health nursing services in Australia and New Zealand. The FPM is an internationally-recognised exemplar of co-productive partnership practice, and has been adopted by all Australian states as the preferred model for providing universal child health services. Unlike previous studies of the FPM that assess its impact on individuals and families, this case study used in-depth qualitative methods to investigate the complex process in which nurses learn about a new way of working with families and how they incorporate new insights into their practice. They study also considers how innovative models of service delivery are implemented within health systems and how they are sustained over time.
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