CSR in professional sport: an examination of community models

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Managing Sport and Leisure, 2017, 22 (2), pp. 113 - 126
Issue Date:
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© 2017 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. The purpose of this paper is to explore how corporate social responsibility (CSR) is implemented in professional sport, specifically to compare and contrast different organisational structures used in the implementation of CSR. A qualitative case study methodology was adopted, drawing on interviews with key stakeholders of 12 professional sporting organisations and their relevant CSR departments. Secondary sources such as annual reports, newsletters, websites and other organisational documents were also collected and analysed. This research found a variety of challenges and opportunities for employing CSR, including alignment of strategies, conflict of power and access to resources. Discussions explore how communication, collaboration and different governance models can improve the inter-relationship of these entities. This paper offers an empirical identification of critical opportunities and challenges within professional sporting organisations. This paper extends the current research by looking at CSR management and governance, specifically exploring the inter-relationship between professional sporting organisations and their associated foundations.
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