En la noche herida por el rayo

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En la roche herida por el rayo: The ongoing research with choreographer Juan Carlos Garcia and his company, Lanonima Imperial, is based on a continual dialogue about the body in space and its dialogue with electronic time-based media. In each iteration or new production we work to extend and advance this relational knowledge set building. Most productions are shown between 10 and 20 venues across Europe, allowing for further refinement within the production cycle. Projects are extensively workshopped and previewed in small theatres before opening. Innovative ideas, new techniques and combinations of custom software solutions, interactive systems, robotics and new display technologies allow us to create new mediated spaces. Through the refinement and re-interpretation of existing technologies and a reflective approach to an eleven year collaboration, we have made significant conceptual advances in the use of media on stage and the use of the body as machine interface. Inspired by Greek tragedy by Euripides, The Bacchantes, New post production techniques were developed for this production, allowing for a parallel narrative to interact with the live stage action. Extensive research into projection surfaces and wearable displays made this a pivotal production in terms of the development of new technological approaches.
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