Evaluation of a sexually transmissible infections education program: Lessons for general practice learning

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Australian Family Physician, 2016, 45 (3), pp. 123 - 128
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© The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners 2016. Background The New South Wales (NSW) Sexually Transmissible Infections Program Unit (STIPU) produced nine resources to support the diagnosis and management of sexually transmissible infections (STIs) in general practice. Objective In this study, we explored the processes of developing the resources and outcomes achieved. Methods We analysed project documents and undertook a focus group interview with the STIPU Working Group to evaluate resource development and dissemination. Interviews with general practitioners (GPs) and practice nurses (PNs), combined with previously reported survey findings, provided an outcomes evaluation. Results STIPU used a rigorous, multimodal approach to develop evidence-based clinical resources. GPs and PNs received information opportunistically rather than through targeted searches unless they had a particular interest. GPs were less aware of online resources. Discussion STIPU's best practice translation of clinical guidelines could be enhanced by promotion of online resources, links through general practice software, strong engagement with general practice organisations, and developing the role of PNs.
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