The applicability of a short form of the Körperkoordinationstest für Kinder for measuring motor competence in children aged 6 to 11 years

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Journal of Motor Learning and Development, 2017, 5 (2), pp. 227 - 239
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© 2017 Human Kinetics, Inc. This study aimed to determine if the Körperkoordinationstest für Kinder (KTK) remained a valid assessment of motor competence following the removal of the hopping for height subtest (KTK3). Children (n = 2479) aged 6-11 years completed all KTK subtests (KTK4) and motor quotient sum scores (MQS) were determined for the KTK3 and KTK4. Classifications were established as MQS below percentile 5 (P5), MQS between percentile 5-15 (P15), MQS between percentile 15-50 (P15-50), MQS between percentile 50-85 (P50-85), MQS between percentile 85-95 (P85), and MQS higher than percentile 95 (P95). Pearson's correlation (r=.97) and cross-tabs (Chi2 = 6822.53, p < .001; Kappa = 0.72) identified substantial agreement overall between the KTK3 and KTK4. However, when classified into separate age and gender categories, poor agreement (< 60%) was found in girls: P15 at 8-11 years and P85 at 6-7 years; and in boys: P5 and P15 at 6 years, P85 at 8 years, and P15 at 10 years. Researchers should consider these findings when selecting which KTK protocol to use.
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