Knowledge management from an industry perspective: Findings from an industry study

Braybrooke Press Ltd
Publication Type:
Journal Article
Journal of General Management, 2008, Spring, 34 (1), pp. 55 - 70
Issue Date:
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Strong forces of competition and globalisation have created awareness and an urgency to focus how organisalions control and nurture intellectual capital. The knowledge concept and its management have gained currency and momentum, as technology has enabled thoughts and ideas to be more easily produced and distributed. With the increased appljcation of recent technologies such as the internet, CRM and advanced software capabilities, it has been suggested rhat the tlme has come for a debate on a new paradigm for knowledge management. As a contribution to this debate, this paper will examine exploratory research conducted in the Australian private hospital indust.y with a view to better understand issues retaled to knowledge management from an industry perspective.
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