How non-public colleges in China cope with inequality and disadvantage in faculty development

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In the past decade, Non-Public Colleges (NPCs) mushroomed in China and have become an important part of China’s higher education. However, with their fast development, NPCs also faces increasing problems including numerous policy constraints and have been an unequal competitor of public universities and colleges. One of biggest issue faced by NPCs is that the employment status of the teaching staff of NPCs is not equally recognized in public policy as their counterparts in the public sector. The inequality in employment status has significant implications on welfare entitlements and on employment quality, stability and mobility of college teachers in the private sector. As a result, such inequalities have significantly destabilized the employment structure of NPCs. Under existing governing structure and regulatory environment, how NPCs will survive or further develop themselves is calling for solutions. This study, first, through a case study, it examines the inequality and hindrances that Chinese non-public colleges (NPCs) face in the area of welfare and career path for their academic staff. Secondly, the study explores possible solutions to these problems that have been tested in the case study and could contribute to the governmental policy making and to the healthy development of the whole sector.
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