UTS Digital Thesis Collection
This Community contains theses written by research students at UTS. It contains PhD, Masters and Honours theses.
Search or browse the UTS Digital Thesis Collection to locate theses. More information and submission guidelines are available from the Graduate Research School.
UTS higher degree theses from this collection may also be made available via subscription or open access products, for example, the ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global and the ProQuest Open Access Platform. This is intended to increase the exposure of UTS research. If you wish to remove your thesis from these products please email us at lib-adt@uts.edu.au.If you would like to contact the Library, please contact us at lib-adt@uts.edu.au.
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The contemporary manufacturing landscape, characterized by global competition and the advent of Industry 4.0, necessitates a paradigm shift in production systems. Small and medium enterprises (SMEs...
Robots have significant potential across many sectors, but their widespread use is limited due to the complexity of real-world tasks. These can involve multiple robots, long durations, uncertaintie...
A century ago, neuroscientists observed rhythmic behaviours in decerebrate cats, leading to the discovery of the locomotor central pattern generator, which drives locomotion through peripheral sens...
For decades, malaria has remained a global health concern, if allowed to progress, it can develop into severe malaria and is a leading cause of death among children under five years old in Sub-Saha...
Investigation into the incidence of adverse events associated with the use of Chinese Herbal Medicine (CHM) Background: Chinese herbal medicine (CHM) is a popular choice of health care globally as...
This thesis evaluated the process and the outcome of the Rashaka Initiative in intermediate and secondary schools in Makkah City, Saudi Arabia. The School-based Weight-related Intervention Evaluati...
This thesis examines market reactions to project finance debt mandate announcements from mine developers listed on the Canadian and Australian equity markets. The thesis documents a significant mea...
The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted health services globally, and measures including lockdowns, implemented to contain spread of the disease, interrupted self-care practices for many people living with...
The Arctic and Southern oceans are some of the most rapidly changing environments on the planet. At the base of the productive polar marine food webs are pelagic phytoplankton and sea-ice algae. To...
In recent years, applications from autonomous navigation of ground mobile robots have been pivotal in exploring the advantages of deploying autonomous robots optimised for outdoor navigation. This ...