Decolonising organisations with bell hooks

Publication Type:
Power, Politics & Exclusion in Organization and Management, 2019, pp. 110 - 128
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This chapter discusses the ideas that feature throughout Bell Hooks’ work and highlights their importance to organizational research. It deals with a reflection on how bell hooks’ philosophy of visionary feminism may valuably shape the future of critical organizational theorising. Hooks began her education at the segregated public schools in Kentucky where she encountered passionate African American teachers committed to giving her and the other all-Black pupils a “good education”. One of the central themes of hooks’ work is her use of the term “imperialist white supremacist capitalist patriarchy” to describe the four interlocking systems of power that characterise Euroamerican “dominator culture”. The economic system of capitalism is, for hooks, a thoroughly exploitative and dehumanising world order. Beyond the confines of management and organizational discourses, concepts such as hooks’ imperialist white supremacist capitalist patriarchy offer more powerful frameworks for understanding identity politics in conte
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