Case Study: A Chinese Immigrant Seeks Health Care in Australia

Springer International Publishing
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Global Applications of Culturally Competent Health Care: Guidelines for Practice, 2018, pp. 381 - 386 (6)
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The forces of globalization and migration have enriched diversity across the globe as well as intensified certain migration corridors (Czaika and Haas 2014). Australia is a diverse and culturally pluralistic society with people from a range of cultural, ethnic, linguistic, and religious backgrounds (Radermacher and Feldman 2017). Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have inhabited Australia for tens of thousands of years and are the traditional owners of the land (Brown 2009). Most Australians are immigrants or the descendants of immigrants who arrived over the last two centuries from more than 200 countries. Mainland China continues to remain the biggest country from which immigrants come to Australia, and in recent years, it has overtaken the United Kingdom to become its largest source of immigrants.
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