Mapping learner-data journeys: Evolution of a visual co-design tool

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2018, pp. 205 - 214
Issue Date:
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© 2018 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). In this paper we present a three-phase process for crafting Learner-Data Journey maps and using them as communication tools to involve other stakeholders in the co-design of a data-intensive educational tool. The three phases in this process are i) scaffolding groups of learners to collaboratively co-create a Learner-Data Journey based on their own experience, ii) distilling key insights from these journey maps, and iii) providing the means for multiple stakeholders to integrate and synthesise key insights from these journey maps to suggest design requirements. We illustrate the process and the kind of tools that can support the co-creation of Learner-Data Journeys in two educational scenarios where learners have become partners of their own 'surveillance'.
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