Teaching and learning science with digital technologies.

Allen & Unwin.
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The art of teaching science: A comprehensive guide to the teaching of secondary school science., 2019, 3, pp. 209 - 225 (17)
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Educational technologies have been regularly hailed as a ‘game changer’ in schools. From the introduction of film and radio in the early 20th century to more contemporary digital technologies such as mobile devices and associated applications (or ‘apps’), educational technologies have frequently been promoted as a panacea for student engagement problems in classrooms. However, there has also been an alarming gap between these ‘hyped’ claims and evidence of enhanced teaching and learning. This chapter explores ways that secondary school science teachers and students might use digital educational technologies – or what we also refer to in this chapter as learning technologies – to effectively support learning. Throughout this chapter, we refer to specific examples of apps and websites. It is important to note that these are current examples of high quality resources and new ones are constantly in development.
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