Hybrid reconstruction method for indirect monitoring of an ice load of a steel gate in a cold region

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Cold Regions Science and Technology, 2019, 162 pp. 19 - 34
Issue Date:
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© 2019 Elsevier B.V. The steel gate of a hydraulic complex may be subjected to ice loads during freezing periods in cold regions, threatening the gate safety. The ice load on the gate is usually affected by several factors, including the ice thickness, snow cover, and changes in water level and temperature. The ice pressure distribution on the gate cannot be readily estimated by theoretical analysis or empirical formulae. Therefore, structural strain and local ice pressure data were collected over 140 days during the winter of 2016–2017 to investigate the structural deformation and local ice pressure distribution. A hybrid reconstruction method (HCM) was developed for establishing the ice pressure distribution using the monitoring data, and the effectiveness of the HCM was analysed based on several uniform load patterns and the Chebyshev polynomial functions. The ice pressure distributions on the gate were reconstructed during the entire monitoring period, considering the collected data for the lowest temperature of each day. The reconstructed ice pressure distribution, i.e., the equivalent and uniform ice pressure within every individual cell, was lower than 0.1 MPa in most parts of the gate.
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