The role of parents in managing asthma in middle childhood: An important consideration in chronic care

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Collegian, 2010, 17 (2), pp. 71 - 76
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Asthma is a significant illness for Australian children and their families. In childhood, parents have the primary responsibility for managing asthma on a day-to-day basis, and therefore understanding the management of asthma by parents is important to nursing practice. Middle childhood (5-12 years) is an important time in the lives of children and families with asthma, as children commence school and spend increasing amounts of time away from direct parental care. In order to manage asthma during middle childhood, parents need to understand asthma as an illness, understand the treatment of asthma, be able to monitor and respond to changes in condition, manage other carers, manage asthma in the context of family life and guide the development of self-management responsibility in their child with asthma. While the scope of parent management in terms of asthma knowledge and treatment has been well explored in the literature, less is known about the process by which parents support the development of self-management responsibility in children with asthma. © 2010.
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