Testing the exogeneity specification in the complete dynamic simultaneous equation model

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Journal of Econometrics, 1978, 7 (2), pp. 163 - 185
Issue Date:
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It is shown that in the complete dynamic simultaneous equation model exogenous variables cause endogenous variables in the sense of Granger (1969) and satisfy the criterion of econometric exogeneity discussed by Sims (1977a), but that the stationarity assumptions invoked by Granger and Sims are not necessary for this implication. Inference procedures for testing each implication are presented and a new joint test of both implications isderived. Detailed attention is given to estimation and testing when the error vector of the final form of the complete dynamic simultaneous equation model is both singular and serially correlated. The theoretical points of the paper are illustrated by testing the exogeneity specification in a small macroeconometric model. © 1978.
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