Learning to build quality business relationships in export markets: evidence from Vietnamese exporters

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Asia Pacific Business Review, 2010, Winter, 16 (1/2), pp. 203 - 220
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A firm's competitive advantage can be created through keeping long-term relationships with customers. To achieve successful long-term relationships, partners have to develop and maintain quality relationships with each other, especially in international markets. In this study, we examine the role of learning orientation in relationship quality between exporters in a transition economy, Vietnam, and their foreign importers. We also investigate the mediating role of exporter ethnocentrism. A test based on a random sample of 297 exporters in Vietnam indicates that learning orientation is a key factor that assists exporters in building quality relationships with their importers. In addition, learning orientation lessens the degree of exporter ethnocentrism, a behaviour which prohibits exporters to build quality relationships with their importers.
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