Impact of Auditor Report Changes on Financial Reporting Quality and Audit Costs: Evidence from the United Kingdom [What Do We Learn by Studying Accounting and Governance Practices in Other Countries? Discussion of “Impact of Auditor Report Changes on Financial Reporting Quality and Audit Costs: Evidence from the United Kingdom”*]

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Contemporary Accounting Research, 2019, 36, (3), pp. 1501-1539
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Reid, Carcello, Li, and Neal (hereafter RCLN) study recent corporate governance changes in the United Kingdom, and investigate how the changes may have affected the quality of audited earnings. Starting in 2013, auditors in the United Kingdom are required to include a discussion of critical accounting matters (risks) as part of an extended audit report. In addition, audit committees of corporate boards are required to issue their own separate report on critical accounting matters, along with a general statement by the board that earnings are “fair, balanced, and understandable.” The evidence in RCLN suggests the UK governance changes improved the quality of earnings, though later I suggest the possibility the evidence could also indicate lower-quality earnings due to induced conservatism that biases earnings downward. There are two obvious questions to ask given the study’s UK setting. Why do we care about UK governance changes, and what do we learn from the analysis? My commentary begins by discussing different approaches to research using other country settings and their potential value and design challenges, and concludes with specific comments on the study by RCLN. I use the term other country research to characterize research in a country-specific setting, and the commentary explores the question of the audience for such research, and its broader relevance to an audience beyond that of the specific country being studied.
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