Professional Learning in Pedagogic Practices

Springer International Publishing
Publication Type:
Professional and Practice-based Learning, 2016, 15, pp. 305-343
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PPL 3-9 Prof Lg RESUBMIT.docxAccepted version107.95 kB
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© 2016, Springer International Publishing Switzerland. This chapter explores the idea that partnership-based practices intensify the pedagogic nature of work that may not be traditionally seen as such. It brings a four-dimensional view of professional practices into contact with the arguments about professional learning presented in Chap. 9. It entangles these with basic Vygotskian concepts of the zone of proximal development and scaffolding. Focusing on the pedagogic work of supporting families who stay on the Residential Unit enables different features of professional practices, learning and expertise to be highlighted. Continuing the thread from the previous chapter, this pedagogic work is characterized by uncertainty and ambiguity, conceptualized here in terms of pedagogies of the unknown. The chapter begins by exploring forms of scaffolding and professional expertise learning in practice associated with them. It then presents a new concept of nanopedagogies. Nanopedagogies are transformative encounters founded upon professionals attuning to families. The significance of what is noticed is made available to parents, and then their role as the driving force in bringing about positive change is highlighted. These three steps of noticing, significance and attribution form a basic framework for reinterpreting the past in order to change possibilities for the future, and they are in evidence in multiple forms and contexts across the Unit. The chapter concludes by exploring pedagogic continuity—key ideas that are widespread, helping professionals act in conditions of uncertainty, and providing some stable basis for pedagogies of the unknown.
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