Making sense of Australian sport history

Sydney University Press
Publication Type:
Youth Sport in Australia, 2011, 1, pp. 1 - 25
Issue Date:
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Despite the high profile of sport in Australian culture, the historical analysis of sport in this country has not attracted much coverage, whether in terms of academic research, media interest, or the reading public. Australian sport fans are eager to recount glorious performances by the nation's teams and athletes, and they certainly indulge in eulogistic books and magazines about sport. But these enthusiasts have comparatively little knowledge about, or interest in, Australian history and the role of sport in shaping its evolution. This is, in large part, a reflection of inadequate education: in many schools history has been supplanted as a key area of study, with the Australian story conveyed as part of broad brush subjects like 'social studies' or 'civics and citizenship: Moreover, at university level Australian history is typically taught with scant regard for the explanatory potential of sport and physical culture.
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