Stability of asynchronous switched systems with sequence-based average dwell time approaches

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2020, 357, (4), pp. 2149-2166
Issue Date:
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© 2019 The Franklin Institute This paper studies the stability problem of asynchronous switched systems and proposes novel sequence-based average dwell time approaches. Both continuous-time and discrete-time systems are considered. The proposed approaches exploit the switching sequences of subsystems which were seldom utilized in the literature. More specifically, our approaches exploit the differences between different switching sequences, including the maximal asynchronous switching time, the energy changing degree at switching times, and the increasing speed of energy functions in asynchronous time intervals. As a result, the proposed approaches can reduce the threshold value of average dwell time significantly. We also propose an approach to counterbalance the increasing of energy functions in asynchronous time intervals by prolonging the preceding rather than subsequent subsystem. Numerical results demonstrate that the proposed approaches can improve the performance significantly in comparison with a well-known method.
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