Revisiting stigmergy in light of multi-functional, biogenic, termite structures as communication channel

Research Network of Computational and Structural Biotechnology
Publication Type:
Journal Article
Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal, 2020, 18, pp. 2522-2534
Issue Date:
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Termite mounds are fascinating because of their intriguing composition of nu- merous geometric shapes and materials. However, little is known about these structures, or of their functionalities. Most research has been on the basic com- position of mounds compared with surrounding soils. There has been some targeted research on the thermoregulation and ventilation of the mounds of a few species of fungi-growing termites, which has generated considerable inter- est from human architecture. Otherwise, research on termite mounds has been scattered, with little work on their explicit properties. This review is focused on how termites design and build functional structures as nest, nursery and food storage; for thermoregulation and climatisation; as defence, shelter and refuge; as a foraging tool or building material; and for colony communication, either as in indirect communication (stigmergy) or as an information channel essential for direct communication through vibrations (biotremology). Our analysis shows that systematic research is required to study the prop- erties of these structures such as porosity and material composition. High res- olution computer tomography in combination with nonlinear dynamics and methods from computational intelligence may provide breakthroughs in un- veiling the secrets of termite behaviour and their mounds. In particular, the ex- amination of dynamic and wave propagation properties of termite-built struc- tures in combination with a detailed signal analysis of termite activities is re- quired to better understand the interplay between termites and their nest as superorganism. How termite structures serve as defence in the form of disguis- ing acoustic and vibration signals from detection by predators, and what role local and global vibration synchronisation plays for building are open ques- tions that need to be addressed to provide insights into how termites utilise materials to thrive in a world of predators and competitors.
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