Mechanical behaviors of soft rocks based on the fractional thermal elastic-plastic theory

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Yanshilixue Yu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering, 2020, 39, (7), pp. 1311-1320
Issue Date:
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Soft rocks have complex thermodynamic behaviors and their strength maybe increase or decrease with temperature. In this paper, the soft rocks were considered as heavily over-consolidated clays and their preconsolidation pressure was assumed to be the uniaxial compression strength. Based on the fractional thermal elastoplastic theory, a fractional sub-loading surface model for soft rocks considering the effects of temperature was proposed, which can decribe associated and non-associated flow rules without introducing the plastic potential. The analysis results show that the phenomena of heat-increase and heat-decrease are closely related to the angle of the plastic flow direction and the loading direction. Application of the non-associated flow rule in the undrained triaxial test results in that stress paths of soft rocks cross through the critical state line and finally reach the critical state, and the undrained shear strength of soft rocks will increase as temperature increases. On the other hand, the associated flow rule will do the opposite. In addition, the preconsolidation pressure of soft rocks will decrease as temperature increases, leading that the sub-loading surface is located outside the temperature loading surface in the p-q plane and that the overconsolidated ratio OCR is smaller than 1. Comparisons between the proposed model with test results indicate that soft rocks show the features of strain-softening and dilatancy, which can be captured by the proposed model, and that, increasing temperature will decrease the fragility of soft rocks as well as the dilatancy. Compared with the modified Cam-clay model, the proposed model introduces two extra parameters including the coefficient of linear expansion α and dilative related parameter m, which have clear physical meanings and can be determined through conventional tests directly. T
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