From distributed machine learning to federated learning: In the view of data privacy and security

John Wiley and Sons
Publication Type:
Journal Article
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 2021
Issue Date:
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Federated learning is an improved version of distributed machine learning that further offloads operations which would usually be performed by a central server. The server becomes more like an assistant coordinating clients to work together rather than micromanaging the workforce as in traditional DML. One of the greatest advantages of federated learning is the additional privacy and security guarantees it affords. Federated learning architecture relies on smart devices, such as smartphones and IoT sensors, that collect and process their own data, so sensitive information never has to leave the client device. Rather, clients train a submodel locally and send an encrypted update to the central server for aggregation into the global model. These strong privacy guarantees make federated learning an attractive choice in a world where data breaches and information theft are common and serious threats. This survey outlines the landscape and latest developments in data privacy and security for federated learning. We identify the different mechanisms used to provide privacy and security, such as differential privacy, secure multiparty computation and secure aggregation. We also survey the current attack models, identifying the areas of vulnerability and the strategies adversaries use to penetrate federated systems. The survey concludes with a discussion on the open challenges and potential directions of future work in this increasingly popular learning paradigm.
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