Towards Cyber-Physical Product-Service Systems Design

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As markets evolve, businesses recognise that customers perceive value in the utility of a product rather than in the product itself. Consequently, strategies are being reconfigured from selling products to providing solutions. These solutions combine products and services with advanced technology to form smart or cyber-physical product-service systems (CPPSSs) that provide numerous benefits to stakeholders through mutual collaboration. This research implemented the six-step design science research method to identify the opportunities in developing service-oriented CPPSS. A CPPSS design method reference model adaptable to customers’ dynamic needs through value co-creation was developed and tested. In contrast to available design methods, this study integrates the concepts of actor-network theory and service-dominant logic into a single methodological approach. This model consists of four stages that address how providers, managers, designers, and end-users (1) identify problems, (2) negotiate relationships, (3) integrate resources and (4) communicate solutions. At the same time, it contributes a new theory to PSS/CPPSS design literature with new research directions. The case studies and practitioner feedback derived suggest that this value co-creation model effectively adapts to customer needs. Further knowledge translation and improvement are suggested for the CPPSSDM through application in the industry.
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