Simulation of airfoil surface pressure due to incident turbulence using realizations of uncorrelated wall plane waves.

Nature Research
Publication Type:
Journal Article
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2021, 149, (2), pp. 1085-1096
Issue Date:
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A numerical technique is proposed for synthesizing realizations of airfoil surface pressure induced by incoming turbulence. In this approach, realization of the surface pressure field is expressed as a set of uncorrelated wall plane waves. The amplitude of these plane waves is determined from the power spectrum density function of the incoming upwash velocity fluctuation and the airfoil aeroacoustic transfer function. The auto-spectrum of the surface pressure is obtained from an ensemble average of different realizations. The numerical technique is computationally efficient as it rapidly converges using a relatively small number of realizations. The surface pressures for different airfoils excited by incoming turbulence are numerically predicted, and the results are compared with experimental data in the literature. Further, the unsteady force exerted on an airfoil due to the airfoil-turbulence interaction is also computed, and it is shown to be in very good agreement with analytical results.
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