Using Talanoa in Community-Based Research with Australian Pacific Islander Women with Type 2 Diabetes.

Johns Hopkins University Press
Publication Type:
Journal Article
Progress in Community Health Partnerships, 2022, 16, (1), pp. 119-128
Issue Date:
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BACKGROUND: Type 2 diabetes is a significant public health problem and Australian Pacific Islander (API) women and their communities are experiencing a higher burden of morbidity and mortality from the disease. Despite this higher burden there are few initiatives that are culturally tailored to improve prevention and management. OBJECTIVES: We used talanoa, a community-based research methodology to build capacity with API women living in Queensland and to develop culturally relevant methods of information sharing and knowledge building. METHODS: The partnership informed the co-design and conduct of research using a talanoa methodology framework. LESSONS LEARNED: Talanoa was used in negotiating the research partnership, setting up a steering committee, developing protocols for community engagement, collecting and co-constructing knowledge and disseminating community outcomes. CONCLUSIONS: The community-academia partnership and the participatory processes using talanoa facilitated dialogue and engagement to promote diabetes prevention and management for API communities.
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