Surveillance Improves Outcomes for Carriers of SDHB Pathogenic Variants: A Multicenter Study.

Endocrine Society
Publication Type:
Journal Article
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 2022, 107, (5), pp. e1907-e1916
Issue Date:
Full metadata record
CONTEXT: Carriers of succinate dehydrogenase type B (SDHB) pathogenic variants (PVs) are at risk of pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma (PPGL) from a young age. It is widely recommended carriers enter a surveillance program to detect tumors, but there are limited studies addressing outcomes of surveillance protocols for SDHB PV carriers. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to describe surveillance-detected (s-d) tumors in SDHB PV carriers enrolled in a surveillance program and to compare their outcomes to probands. METHODS: This was a multicenter study of SDHB PV carriers with at least 1 surveillance episode (clinical, biochemical, imaging) in Australian genetics clinics. Data were collected by both retrospective and ongoing prospective follow-up. Median duration of follow-up was 6.0 years. RESULTS: 181 SDHB PV carriers (33 probands and 148 nonprobands) were assessed. Tumors were detected in 20% of nonprobands undergoing surveillance (age range 9-76 years). Estimated 10-year metastasis-free survival was 66% for probands and 84% for nonprobands with s-d tumors (P = .027). S-d tumors were smaller than those in probands (median 27 mm vs 45 mm respectively, P = .001). Tumor size ≥40 mm was associated with progression to metastatic disease (OR 16.9, 95% CI 2.3-187.9, P = .001). Patients with s-d tumors had lower mortality compared to probands: 10-year overall survival was 79% for probands and 100% for nonprobands (P = .029). CONCLUSION: SDHB carriers with s-d tumors had smaller tumors, reduced risk of metastatic disease, and lower mortality than probands. Our results suggest that SDHB PV carriers should undertake surveillance to improve clinical outcomes.
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