Before #MeToo: Hearing Vulnerability

Equinox Publishing
Publication Type:
The Singing Voice in Contemporary Cinema, 2020, pp. 112-131
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The chapter begins by examining recent discussions in popular music studies and cultural movements that have called out inappropriate but entrenched behav­iours associated with contemporary music, singing and/or singers. The analysis of each filmic narrative informs a particular music industry context - such as vocal artistry, artistic control, song creation - in which hypocrisy, institutional norms and gender issues are exposed and/or questioned. Within these contexts, and extending well beyond its acoustic properties or embodied expression, "singing" is often situated as the protagonist in ways that seek to contextualize or consider its potential com modification and manipulation. Such mistreatment extends to the related multiplicity of detrimental industry practices and, for some singers, the ensuing complications. Our discussion concludes by outlining the collective and recurrent themes that identify and reveal - and hear - vulnerability
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